The Division of Business Protections & Development has four (4) Types of agents within this division, they hold certificates for legal purposes pretaining to the Administrative Judges Law (ADJ) in some cases less than the values of executive or punishment The Executive Council of Officials (ECO) will rule on petitions, certified Mediators and Petition Agents work exAlong with Ethics officers The following make up the Executive Division of Business Protections & Enforcement

State Certified 1.Administrative Judges (Bound by US magistrates they rule based on guidelines of law)

1.1- Executive Council Officials (They are voted in and have extensive knowledge on legal and mediation or conciliation cases, 7 ECO members hold a 3 year term and can never can see appeal cases

2. Petition Business Agents [PBA] Petition Agents writing and presents to the ruling body , they hold the power to file injunctions and impose fines up to $10,000.00 

3. Inspector General. will hold investigations question and interactive interagatios. They have the power to serve PBA Investagative warrants and can detain on serious espionage charges up to 80 hours with a judges order after 10 hours

4. Mediation Agent will argue and provide Investagative process for the vindication and or defense.


°Petition Agents - have vast knowledge of state business laws and rights of corporation owners snd partners a PBA known as Petition Business Agent is also in States like California refered to as Petition Prosecution Counsel. Holds great legal and Executive laws to the ADJ , will question and investigate petitions they will prosecute and recommend an outcome for the justice of petitions. The Petition Business Agent can write deals and accept deals on behalf of the ADJ or the ECO